Interface: BaseChannelAuth


Interface for authentication classes used with channel requests.



authenticate(requestOptions, callback)

Authenticate the user for an HTTP channel request. The supplied callback should be invoked with the results of the authentication attempt. See BaseChannelAuth~authCallback for more information on the content provided to the callback.

Name Type Description
requestOptions Object

Options included in the HTTP channel request.

callback BaseChannelAuth~authCallback

Callback function invoked with the results of the authentication attempt.



Purge any credentials cached from a previous authentication.


Type Definitions

authCallback(authErroropt, requestOptionsopt)

Callback invoked with the result of a call to BaseChannelAuth#authenticate.

Name Type Attributes Description
authError Error <optional>

If no errors occurred during authentication, this parameter is null. For an error due to the user not being authorized, this parameter contains an instance of a PermanentAuthenticationError object. For an unexpected/unknown error, this parameter contains an instance of a TemporaryAuthenticationError object.

requestOptions Object <optional>

If any errors occurred during authentication, this parameter is null. Otherwise, this parameter includes the requestOptions object supplied in the BaseChannelAuth#authenticate call. The requestOptions object may include additional properties for the authenticated user. For example, if the user were mapped to a bearer auth token, the auth property for the requestOptions object supplied to the callback could be set to:

  {bearer: '<the user token>'}