'use strict'
* Interface for authentication classes used with channel requests.
* @interface
function BaseChannelAuth () {}
* Authenticate the user for an HTTP channel request. The supplied callback
* should be invoked with the results of the authentication attempt. See
* {@link BaseChannelAuth~authCallback} for more information on the
* content provided to the callback.
* @param {Object} requestOptions - Options included in the HTTP channel
* request.
* @param {BaseChannelAuth~authCallback} callback - Callback function
* invoked with the results of the authentication attempt.
BaseChannelAuth.prototype.authenticate = function (requestOptions, callback) {
throw new Error('Not implemented')
* Callback invoked with the result of a call to
* {@link BaseChannelAuth#authenticate}.
* @callback BaseChannelAuth~authCallback
* @param {Error} [authError] - If no errors occurred during authentication,
* this parameter is `null`. For an error due to the user
* not being authorized, this parameter contains an instance of a
* {@link PermanentAuthenticationError} object. For an unexpected/unknown
* error, this parameter contains an instance of a
* {@link TemporaryAuthenticationError} object.
* @param {Object} [requestOptions] - If any errors occurred during
* authentication, this parameter is `null`. Otherwise, this parameter
* includes the `requestOptions` object supplied in the {@link
* BaseChannelAuth#authenticate} call. The `requestOptions` object may
* include additional properties for the authenticated user. For example, if
* the user were mapped to a bearer auth token, the `auth` property for the
* `requestOptions` object supplied to the callback could be set to:
* ```js
* {bearer: '<the user token>'}
* ```
* Purge any credentials cached from a previous authentication.
BaseChannelAuth.prototype.reset = function () {
throw new Error('Not implemented')
module.exports = BaseChannelAuth