Integration Types

Interaction with the DXL fabric is comprised of two primary roles; Information consumers and information providers.


Consumers receive information over the DXL fabric via its multiple communication models.

Event subscriber

An event-based consumer subscribes to topics and passively receives events from publishers (one-to-many communication mode).

Common use cases that leverage event subscriber integrations include:

  • Orchestration

    A client listens for a particular set of events. Once an event is received an orchestration work flow is initiated.

    For example, a security product detects that a particular endpoint is sending data to a known “command and control” target and as a reaction sends an event to the DXL fabric. A client listening for the particular event initiates an orchestration work flow that triggers a remediation process utilizing other products available on the fabric.

Service invoker

A client that invokes methods on services registered on the DXL fabric. The client actively requests information from the service (one-to-one communication mode).

Common use cases that leverage service invocation integrations include:

  • Data Collection

    Security services are invoked over the DXL fabric to query information in real-time (running-processes, etc.) or for forensics-based analysis.

  • Orchestration

    As part of an orchestration work flow various security services are invoked for the purpose of data collection, analytics, and remediation.


Providers distribute information to the DXL fabric via its multiple communication models.

Event publisher

A client that periodically publishes events to specific topics on the DXL fabric (one-to-many communication mode). These events will be delivered to consumers that are currently subscribed to those topics.

Common use cases that leverage event publisher integrations include:

  • Threat Events

    Events are sent to the fabric to indicate the presence of a threat. For example, malware is detected on a particular endpoint.

  • Informational Events

    Events are sent to the fabric to announce a particular piece of information. For example, a new vulnerability has been published, a user logged into a system, etc.

Service providers

A client that registers a service with the DXL fabric. A service is comprised of one or more methods that are exposed via corresponding topics. These service methods will be invoked by clients by sending a request message to a topic associated with a service-method. Once received, the service replies by sending a response message over the fabric back to the invoking client (one-to-one communication mode).

Common service integration models include:

  • Native service

    A service is developed with a native DXL fabric integration. For example McAfee Threat Intelligence Exchange (TIE) natively supports communication with DXL fabrics.

  • Wrapped service

    A DXL service wrapper is created that delegates invocations to an existing service’s API/SDK. For example, a security service that exposes a REST-based API can be easily wrapped by a DXL service wrapper to provides its functionality on the DXL fabric.