Command Line Provisioning (Basic)

The OpenDXL Java Client’s command line interface supports the provisionconfig operation which generates the information necessary for a client to connect to a DXL fabric (certificates, keys, and broker information).

As part of the provisioning process, a remote call will be made to a provisioning server (ePO or OpenDXL Broker) which contains the Certificate Authority (CA) that will sign the client’s certificate.


ePO-managed environments must have 4.0 (or newer) versions of DXL ePO extensions installed.

Here is an example usage of provisionconfig operation:

java -jar dxlclient-0.2.6-all.jar provisionconfig config myserver client1


Ensure that the -all version of the dxlclient .jar file is specified.

The parameters are as follows:

  • config is the directory to contain the results of the provisioning operation.

  • myserver is the host name or IP address of the server (ePO or OpenDXL Broker) that will be used to provision the client.

  • client1 is the value for the Common Name (CN) attribute stored in the subject of the client’s certificate.


    If a non-standard port (not 8443) is being used for ePO or the management interface of the OpenDXL Broker, an additional “port” argument must be specified. For example -t 443 could be specified as part of the provision operation to connect to the server on port 443.

When prompted, provide credentials for the OpenDXL Broker Management Console or ePO (the ePO user must be an administrator):

Enter server username:
Enter server password:

On success, output similar to the following should be displayed:

INFO: Saving csr file to config/client.csr
INFO: Saving private key file to config/client.key
INFO: Saving DXL config file to config/dxlclient.config
INFO: Saving ca bundle file to config/ca-bundle.crt
INFO: Saving client certificate file to config/client.crt

As an alternative to prompting, the username and password values can be specified via command line options:

java -jar dxlclient-0.2.6-all.jar provisionconfig config myserver client1 -u myuser -p mypass


Ensure that the -all version of the dxlclient .jar file is specified.

See the Command Line Provisioning (Advanced) section for advanced provisionconfig operation options.