Module: CertRepChangeEventProp

The standard set of properties that are included with a certificate reputation change event. See the TieClient#addCertificateReputationChangeCallback function for more information about certificate reputation change events.

Name Description
HASHES A object of hashes that identify the certificate whose reputation has changed.
NEW_REPUTATIONS The new Reputations for the certificate whose reputation has changed, as an object.
OLD_REPUTATIONS The previous Reputations for the certificate whose reputation has changed, as an object.
PUBLIC_KEY_SHA1 The SHA-1 of the certificate's public key.
UPDATE_TIME The time the reputation change occurred (Epoch time).


(static) HASHES

A object of hashes that identify the certificate whose reputation has changed. The key for each property is the hash type and the corresponding value is the hex representation of the hash value. See HashType for the list of hash type constants.



The new Reputations for the certificate whose reputation has changed, as an object.



The previous Reputations for the certificate whose reputation has changed, as an object.


(static) PUBLIC_KEY_SHA1

The SHA-1 of the certificate's public key.


(static) UPDATE_TIME

The time the reputation change occurred (Epoch time).

See the EpochUtil module for helper methods used to parse the Epoch time.
