Basic Get ANC Endpoint Policies

This is used to get endpoints with policies applied using both MAC address and NAS IP address. An empty json structure must be sent as the request. If no endpoint policy is found, endpoints will have an empty array.



To run this sample execute the sample/basic/ script as follows:

python sample/basic/

If information can be retrieved successfully for the endpoint, the output should appear similar to the following:

    "endpoints": []

where the endpoints list is empty if no endpoints have policies.


The majority of the sample code is shown below:

with DxlClient(config) as dxl_client:

    # Connect to the fabric
    dxl_client.connect()"Connected to DXL fabric.")

    # Create client wrapper
    client = CiscoPxGridClient(dxl_client)

        # Invoke 'get endpoint policies'
        resp_dict = client.anc.get_endpoint_policies()

        # Print out the response (convert dictionary to JSON for pretty
        # printing)
            MessageUtils.dict_to_json(resp_dict, pretty_print=True)))
    except Exception as ex:

Once a connection is established to the DXL fabric, a dxlciscopxgridclient.client.CiscoPxGridClient instance is created which will be used to communicate with Cisco pxGrid.

Next, the dxlciscopxgridclient.client.AncClientCategory.get_endpoint_policies() method.

The final step is to display the contents of the returned dictionary (dict) which contains the results of the attempt to retrieve the endpoints.