

  • OpenDXL Python Client library installed

  • The OpenDXL Python Client prerequisites must be satisfied

  • MISP server installed and configured.

    The following page provides several different options for installing MISP:

    One option for getting a MISP environment up and running fairly quickly is the "Docker container" approach provided at Note that this docker-misp project is a fork of the project.

    The opendxl-community fork aims to enable the ability to pull an all-in-one MISP container from Docker Hub and launch an image from it with little to no additional configuration. For a more robust setup, it would be better to refer to the upstream project.

  • (Optional) MISP ZeroMQ notification configured.

    If you intend to use the ZeroMQ notification functionality with the OpenDXL MISP Python service, you will need to enable the ZeroMQ plugin in MISP. From the MISP web server UI, do the following:

    • Navigate to the Server Settings & Maintenance page under the Administration menu.
    • Select the Plugin Settings tab.
    • Expand the ZeroMQ option in the plugin list.
    • Set the Plugin.ZeroMQ_enable setting to true.

    This step is needed to enable the DXL MISP service to be able to receive notification messages from the MISP ZeroMQ server. For more information, see the documentation for the MISP ZeroMQ configuration. and the zeroMqNotificationTopics setting in the Service Configuration File section.

  • Python 2.7.9 or higher in the Python 2.x series or 3.4.0 or higher in the Python 3.x series installed within a Windows or Linux environment.


This distribution contains a lib sub-directory that includes the application library files.

Use pip to automatically install the library:

pip install dxlmispservice-0.1.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl

Or with:

pip install

As an alternative (without PIP), unpack the (located in the lib folder) and run the setup script:

python install