
The MISP DXL Python Service application requires a set of configuration files to operate.

This distribution contains a config sub-directory that includes the configuration files that must be populated prior to running the application.

Each of these files are documented throughout the remainder of this page.

Application configuration directory:

    logging.config (optional)

DXL Client Configuration File (dxlclient.config)

The required dxlclient.config file is used to configure the DXL client that will connect to the DXL fabric.

The steps to populate this configuration file are the same as those documented in the OpenDXL Python SDK, see the OpenDXL Python SDK Samples Configuration page for more information.

The following is an example of a populated DXL client configuration file:



MISP DXL Python Service (dxlmispservice.config)

The required dxlmispservice.config file is used to configure the application.

The following is an example of a populated application configuration file:



The [General] section is used to specify the MISP server configuration, MISP API methods which should be available to invoke via DXL, and MISP ZeroMQ messages which should be forwarded on to the DXL fabric.

Name Required Description
host yes The MISP server hostname or IP address.
serviceUniqueId no

An optional unique identifier used to identify the opendxl-misp service on the DXL fabric. If set, this unique identifier will be appended to the name of each event and request topic used on the fabric. For example, if the serviceUniqueId is set to sample, the request and event topic names would start with the following, respectively:



If serviceUniqueId is not set, request and event topic names would not include an id segment, for example:



apiNames no

The list of MISP APIs for which corresponding request topics should be exposed to the DXL fabric, delimited by commas.

For example: new_event,search,update

With this example and the serviceUniqueId setting set to sample, the request topics exposed to the DXL fabric would be:




The complete list of available API method names and parameters is available in the documentation for the pymisp.PyMISP class at

apiKey no

The MISP server's API key. Note that this property is required if one or more apiNames is specified.

The API key is accessible from the MISP web server UI. Navigate to the Automation page under the Event Actions menu. Copy the value which follows the text Your current key is: into this property. For more information, see

apiPort no The MISP server's HTTP API port. Defaults to 443.
verifyCertificate no Whether to verify that MISP server's certificate was signed by a valid certificate authority when SSL/TLS is being used. Defaults to yes.
verifyCertBundle no A path to a CA Bundle file containing certificates of trusted CAs. The CA Bundle is used to ensure that the MISP server being connected to was signed by a valid authority. Only applicable if verifyCertificate is yes.
clientCertificate no A path to a client certificate supplied to the MISP server for TLS/SSL connections. Defaults to not using a client certificate.
clientKey no A path to a client private key used for TLS/SSL connections made to the MISP server. Defaults to not using a client private key.
zeroMqNotificationTopics no

The list of topics for MISP ZeroMQ messages which should be forwarded on to the DXL fabric.

For example: misp_json,misp_json_sighting

With this example and the serviceUniqueId setting set to sample, any ZeroMQ message with a topic of "misp_json" or "misp_json_sighting" would be forwarded as a DXL event with the following topics, respectively:



The complete list of available MISP ZeroMQ messages is available at

If you intend to use the ZeroMQ notification functionality with the OpenDXL MISP Python service, you will need to enable the ZeroMQ plugin in MISP. This step is needed to enable the DXL MISP service to be able to receive event notification messages from the MISP ZeroMQ server.

From the MISP web server UI, do the following:

  • Navigate to the Server Settings & Maintenance page under the Administration menu.
  • Select the Plugin Settings tab.
  • Expand the ZeroMQ option in the plugin list.
  • Set the Plugin.ZeroMQ_enable setting to true.
  • Set the Plugin.ZeroMQ_notifications_enable settings to true for the corresponding topics included in this setting. For example, for the topics misp_json,misp_json_sighting, the Plugin.ZeroMQ_event_notifications_enable and Plugin.ZeroMQ_sighting_notifications_enable settings would need to be set to true.

For more information, see the documentation for the MISP ZeroMQ configuration.

zeroMqPort no The MISP server's ZeroMQ notification port. Defaults to 50000.

Logging File (logging.config)

The optional logging.config file is used to configure how the application writes log messages.