Basic Core Help Example

This sample invokes and displays the results of the "core help" remote command via the ePO DXL service. The "core help" command lists the remote commands that are exposed by a particular ePO server.


  • The samples configuration step has been completed (see Samples Configuration)
  • An ePO DXL service is running and available on the fabric. If version 5.0 or later of the DXL ePO extensions are installed on your ePO server, an ePO DXL service should already be running on the fabric. If you are using an earlier version of the DXL ePO extensions, you can use the ePO DXL Python Service.
  • The client is authorized to invoke the ePO DXL Service, and the user that is connecting to the ePO server (within the ePO DXL service) has permission to execute the "core help" remote command (see Authorization).


Modify the example to include the unique identifier associated with the ePO to invoke the remote command on.

For more information on the ePO unique identifier, refer to the following:

For example:

EPO_UNIQUE_ID = "epo1"

If only one ePO server is connected to the DXL fabric this constant can be set to None (the client will automatically determine the ePO's unique identifier).


To run this sample execute the sample/basic/ script as follows:

python sample/basic/

The output should appear similar to the following:

ComputerMgmt.createAgentDeploymentUrlCmd deployPath groupId urlName
agentVersionNumber agentHotFix [edit] [ahId] [fallBackAhId] - Create Agent
Deployment URL Command
ComputerMgmt.createCustomInstallPackageCmd deployPath [ahId] [fallBackAhId] -
Create Custom Install Package Command
ComputerMgmt.createDefaultAgentDeploymentUrlCmd tenantId - Create Default
Non-Editable Agent Deployment URL Command
ComputerMgmt.createTagGroup parentTagGroupId newTagGroupName - Create a new
subgroup under an existing tag group.
ComputerMgmt.deleteTag tagIds [forceDelete] - Delete one or more tags.


Each remote command exposed by the particular ePO server is listed along with its associated parameters.


The majority of the sample code is shown below:

# The ePO unique identifier

# Create the client
with DxlClient(config) as client:

    # Connect to the fabric

    # Create the ePO client
    epo_client = EpoClient(client, EPO_UNIQUE_ID)

    # Display the help

Once a connection is established to the DXL fabric, a dxlepoclient.client.EpoClient instance is created which will be used to invoke remote commands on the ePO server. The unique identifier of the ePO server to invoke remote commands on is specified as an argument to the client constructor. In this particular case, a value of None is specified which triggers the client to automatically determine the ePO server's unique identifier. This will not work if multiple ePO servers are connected to the fabric (an exception will be raised).

Next, the results of invoking the method are displayed to the screen.