Tutorial: Client Configuration Update via Command Line

Client Configuration Update via Command Line

The updateconfig command line operation can be used to update a previously provisioned client with the latest information from a management server (ePO or OpenDXL Broker).

Note: ePO-managed environments must have 4.0 (or newer) versions of DXL ePO extensions installed.

The updateconfig operation performs the following:

  • Retrieves the latest CA certificate bundle from the server and stores it at the file referenced by the BrokerCertChain setting in the [Certs] section of the dxlclient.config file.

  • Retrieves the latest broker information and updates the [Brokers] section of the dxlclient.config file with that information.

Basic Example

For example:

node_modules/.bin/dxlclient updateconfig config myserver

For this example, config is the name of the directory in which the dxlclient.config file resides and myserver is the hostname or IP address of ePO or an OpenDXL Broker.

When prompted, provide credentials for the OpenDXL Broker Management Console or ePO (the ePO user must be an administrator):

Enter server username:
Enter server password:

If the operation is successful, output similar to the following should be displayed:

Updating certs in config/ca-bundle.crt
Updating DXL config file at config/dxlclient.config

To avoid the username and password prompts, supply the appropriate command line options (-u and -p):

node_modules/.bin/dxlclient updateconfig config myserver -u myuser -p mypass

Additional Options

The update operation assumes that the default web server port is 8443, the default port under which the ePO web interface and OpenDXL Broker Management Console is hosted.

A custom port can be specified via the -t option.

For example:

node_modules/.bin/dxlclient updateconfig config myserver -t 443

If the management server's CA certificate is stored in a local CA truststore file — one or more PEM-formatted certificates concatenated together into a single file — the update operation can be configured to validate the management server's certificate against that truststore during TLS session negotiation by supplying the -e option.

The name of the truststore file should be supplied along with the option:

node_modules/.bin/dxlclient updateconfig config myserver -e config/ca-bundle.crt