Source: request.js

'use strict'

var inherits = require('inherits')
var Message = require('./message')

 * @classdesc Request messages are sent using the {@link Client#asyncRequest}
 *   method of a client instance. Request messages are used when invoking a
 *   method on a remote service. This communication is one-to-one where a
 *   client sends a request to a service instance and in turn receives a
 *   response.
 * @param {String} destinationTopic - The topic to publish the event to.
 * @augments Message
 * @constructor
function Request (destinationTopic) {, destinationTopic)
  this.messageType = Message.MESSAGE_TYPE_REQUEST
   * The topic that the {@link Response} to this request will be sent to.
   * @type {string}
   * @default ''
   * @name Request#replyToTopic
  this.replyToTopic = ''
   * The identifier of the service that this request will be routed to. If an
   * identifier is not specified, the initial broker that receives the request
   * will select the service to handle the request (round-robin by default).
   * @type {string}
   * @default ''
   * @name Request#serviceId
  this.serviceId = ''

inherits(Request, Message)

 * Pack bytes for this message onto the end of the supplied buffer.
 * @private
 * @param {BufferList} buffer - Buffer into which to pack the message bytes.
Request.prototype._packMessage = function (buffer) {, buffer)
  this._packObjects(buffer, [this.replyToTopic, this.serviceId])

 * Unpack bytes from the supplied buffer into member variables for this
 * object.
 * @private
 * @param {BufferList} buffer - Buffer to unpack message bytes from.
Request.prototype._unpackMessage = function (buffer) {, buffer)
  this.replyToTopic = this._unpackObject(buffer)
  this.serviceId = this._unpackObject(buffer)

module.exports = Request