'use strict'
var inherits = require('inherits')
var Message = require('./message')
var Response = require('./response')
* @classdesc ErrorResponse messages are sent by the DXL fabric itself or
* service instances upon receiving {@link Request} messages. The error
* response may indicate the inability to locate a service to handle the
* request or an internal error within the service itself. Error response
* messages are sent using the {@link Client#sendResponse} method of a client
* instance.
* @param {Request} request - The {@link Request} message that this is a
* response for.
* @param {Number} [errorCode=0] - The numeric error code.
* @param {String=} errorMessage - The textual error message.
* @augments Response
* @constructor
function ErrorResponse (request, errorCode, errorMessage) {
if (typeof (errorCode) === 'undefined') { errorCode = 0 }
if (typeof (errorMessage) === 'undefined') { errorMessage = '' }
Response.call(this, request)
* The numeric error code for the error response.
* @type {Number}
* @name ErrorResponse#errorCode
this.errorCode = errorCode
* The textual error message for the error response.
* @type {String}
* @name ErrorResponse#errorMessage
this.errorMessage = errorMessage
this.messageType = Message.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR
inherits(ErrorResponse, Response)
* Pack bytes for this message onto the end of the supplied buffer.
* @private
* @param {BufferList} buffer - Buffer into which to pack the message bytes.
ErrorResponse.prototype._packMessage = function (buffer) {
Response.prototype._packMessage.call(this, buffer)
this._packObjects(buffer, [this.errorCode, this.errorMessage])
* Unpack bytes from the supplied buffer into member variables for this
* object.
* @private
* @param {BufferList} buffer - Buffer to unpack message bytes from.
ErrorResponse.prototype._unpackMessage = function (buffer) {
Response.prototype._unpackMessage.call(this, buffer)
this.errorCode = this._unpackObject(buffer)
this.errorMessage = this._unpackObject(buffer)
module.exports = ErrorResponse