Tutorial: Library Installation

Library Installation


To use the McAfee Active Response (MAR) DXL Node-RED client package, the following prerequisites must be satisfied:


The MAR DXL Node-RED client package can be installed via the following approaches:

  • Node-RED Based

    With this approach, the MAR DXL Node-RED client package is installed from within Node-RED itself. See the Node-RED Based Installation section below for more information.

  • Command Line Installation

    With this approach, the MAR DXL Node-RED client package is installed via npm from the command-line on the host where the Node-RED server is running. See the Command Line Installation section below for more information.

Node-RED Based Installation

  1. Browse to your Node-RED server.

  2. In the upper-right corner, press the side menu button.

  3. Choose the Manage palette option in the menu drop-down list.

  4. From the Palette user settings tab, click on the Install tab.

  5. In the search modules text box, enter dxl-mar.

  6. Next to the entry for @opendxl/node-red-contrib-dxl-mar-client in the search results, press the install button.

  7. On the Installing confirmation dialog, press the Install button.

    A dialog containing text like the following should appear when the installation is complete:

    Nodes added to palette:
    * dxl-mar...
  8. Click on the Close button to close the User Settings tab.

Command Line Installation

Before installing the MAR DXL Node-RED client package, first navigate in a command shell to the user directory which you have configured for Node-RED. The .node-red directory under the user's HOME directory is the default user directory for Node-RED.

For Mac and Linux-based operating systems, run the following command:

cd ~/.node-red

For Windows, run the following command:

cd %HOMEPATH%\.node-red

To install the library from a local tarball for a Mac or Linux-based operating system, run the following command:

npm install ./lib/opendxl-node-red-contrib-dxl-mar-client-0.1.0.tgz --save

To install the library from a local tarball for Windows, run:

npm install .\lib\opendxl-node-red-contrib-dxl-mar-client-0.1.0.tgz --save

To install the library via the npm package registry, run the following command:

npm install @opendxl/node-red-contrib-dxl-mar-client --save

After the installation is complete, restart Node-RED and browse to your Node-RED server.

Confirming the Installation Result

After the installation is complete, you should see a mar search node in the left column:

McAfee Active Response (MAR) Operations Nodes

For more information, see the Node-RED Configuration documentation.