Basic Set External Reputation Example

This sample demonstrates invoking the McAfee Threat Intelligence Exchange (TIE) DXL service to set the External Provider trust level of a file (as identified by its hashes).


  • The samples configuration step has been completed (see Samples Configuration)

  • A McAfee Threat Intelligence Exchange (TIE) Service is available on the DXL fabric

  • TIE Server version is 3.0.0 or above

  • The Python client must be authorized to send messages to the /mcafee/event/external/file/report topic which is part of the TIE Server Set External Reputation authorization group.

    The following page provides an example of authorizing a Python client to send messages to an authorization group. While the example is based on McAfee Active Response (MAR), the instructions are the same with the exception of swapping the TIE Server Set External Reputation authorization group in place of Active Response Server API:


To run this sample execute the sample/basic/ script as follows:

c:\dxltieclient-python-sdk-0.3.0>python sample/basic/

If the set external reputation operation succeeds the following message will be displayed:

Event Sent.


The majority of the sample code is shown below:

# Create the client
with DxlClient(config) as client:

    # Connect to the fabric

    # Create the McAfee Threat Intelligence Exchange (TIE) client
    tie_client = TieClient(client)

    # Hashes for the file whose reputation will be set.
    hashes = {
        HashType.MD5: <FILE MD5>,
        HashType.SHA1: <FILE SHA1>,
        HashType.SHA256: <FILE SHA256>
    # Request reputation for the file
    reputations_dict = tie_client.get_file_reputation(hashes)
    # Check if there's any definitive reputation (different to Not Set [0] and Unknown [50])
    # for any provider except for External Provider (providerId=15)
    has_definitive_reputation = \
        any([rep[ReputationProp.TRUST_LEVEL] != TrustLevel.NOT_SET
             and rep[ReputationProp.TRUST_LEVEL] != TrustLevel.UNKNOWN
             and rep[ReputationProp.PROVIDER_ID] != FileProvider.EXTERNAL
             for rep in reputations_dict.values()])

    if has_definitive_reputation:
        print("Abort: There is a reputation from another provider for the file, External Reputation is not necessary.")
        # Set the External reputation for a the file "random.exe" to Might Be Trusted
                comment="External Reputation set via OpenDXL")
            print("Event Sent")
        except ValueError as e:
            print("Error: " + str(e))

Once a connection is established to the DXL fabric, a dxltieclient.client.TieClient instance is created which will be used to communicate with the TIE DXL services.

The recommended workflow is to first check the reputation for the file, and avoid setting the External Provider trust level if the response already includes a definitive reputation. This is because External Provider will be used as a fallback, only if no other reputation is available.

The External Provider trust level is then established for the file by invoking the dxltieclient.client.TieClient.set_external_file_reputation() method of the dxltieclient.client.TieClient instance along with the hash values used to identify the file.

The filename, filetype and comment fields are optional, but are useful in identifying the particular file that is associated with the hashes (especially if the file did not previously exist in the TIE repository).