Basic Detection Callback Example

This sample demonstrates registering a dxltieclient.callbacks.DetectionCallback with the DXL fabric to receive detection events when detections occur on managed systems.


  • The samples configuration step has been completed (see Samples Configuration)
  • A McAfee Threat Intelligence Exchange (TIE) Service is available on the DXL fabric


To run this sample execute the sample/basic/ script as follows:

c:\dxltieclient-python-sdk-0.3.0>python sample/basic/

The output should appear similar to the following:

Waiting for detection events...

At this point the sample is listening for detection events from the DXL fabric.

Force Detection

The actual steps to force a detection are outside the scope of this client library. However, the following guidelines might prove useful:

  • Select a test executable file that is not covered by a certificate.
  • Make a backup of the test file (it may be cleaned depending on the current action enforcement policy)
  • Ensure your reputation thresholds are properly configured in policy
  • Set the reputation for the test executable within the TIE Reputations page so that a detection will occur

Detection Output

After the detection has occurred the detection information should appear within the console that the sample is running (similar to the output below):

Detection on topic: /mcafee/event/tie/file/detection
    "agentGuid": "{68125cd6-a5d8-11e6-348e-000c29663178}",
    "detectionTime": 1481301796,
    "hashes": {
        "md5": "eb5e2b9dc51817a086d7b97eb52410ab",
        "sha1": "435dfd470f727437c7cb4f07cba1f9a1f4272656",
        "sha256": "414bb16b10ece2db2d8448cb9f313f80cb77c310ca0c19ee03c73cba0c16fedb"
    "localReputation": 1,
    "name": "FOCUS_MALWARE2.EXE",
    "remediationAction": 5

The first line displays the DXL topic that the event was received on. In this particular case it is, "/mcafee/event/tie/file/detection", which indicates that this is a file detection event.

The following information is included in the detection dict (dictionary):

  • System the detection occurred on
  • Time the detection occurred (Epoch time)
  • File that triggered the detection (file name and associated hashes)
  • Reputation value that was calculated locally which triggered the detection
  • Remediation action that occurred in response to the detection


The majority of the sample code is shown below:

class MyDetectionCallback(DetectionCallback):
    My detection callback
    def on_detection(self, detection_dict, original_event):
        # Display the DXL topic that the event was received on
        print("Detection on topic: " + original_event.destination_topic)

        # Dump the dictionary
        print(MessageUtils.dict_to_json(detection_dict, True))

# Create the client
with DxlClient(config) as client:

    # Connect to the fabric

    # Create the McAfee Threat Intelligence Exchange (TIE) client
    tie_client = TieClient(client)

    # Create detection callback
    detection_callback = MyDetectionCallback()

    # Register detection callback with the client

    # Wait forever
    print("Waiting for detection events...")
    while True:

A derived class from dxltieclient.callbacks.DetectionCallback is defined which overrides the dxltieclient.callbacks.DetectionCallback.on_detection() method to handle detection events. When a detection occurs this method will display the topic that the event was received on and dump the detection details.

Once a connection is established to the DXL fabric, a dxltieclient.client.TieClient instance is created.

An instance of the derived callback is constructed and registered with the dxltieclient.client.TieClient.add_file_detection_callback() method to receive file detection events.