Basic First Instance Callback Example ===================================== This sample demonstrates registering a :class:`dxltieclient.callbacks.FirstInstanceCallback` with the DXL fabric. The callback will receive `first instance` events when files are encountered for the first time within the local enterprise. Prerequisites ************* * The samples configuration step has been completed (see :doc:`sampleconfig`) * A McAfee Threat Intelligence Exchange (TIE) Service is available on the DXL fabric Running ******* To run this sample execute the ``sample/basic/`` script as follows: .. parsed-literal:: c:\\dxltieclient-python-sdk-\ |version|\>python sample/basic/ The output should appear similar to the following: .. code-block:: python Waiting for first instance events... At this point the sample is listening for first instance events from the DXL fabric. Execute New File **************** Execute a file that has not been previously seen within the local enterprise. Detection Output **************** After the file has executed the first instance information should appear within the console that the sample is running (similar to the output below): .. code-block:: python First instance on topic: /mcafee/event/tie/file/firstinstance { "agentGuid": "{68125cd6-a5d8-11e6-348e-000c29663178}", "hashes": { "md5": "31dbe8cc443d2ca7fd236ac00a52fb17", "sha1": "2d6ca45061b7972312e00e5933fdff95bb90b61b", "sha256": "aa3c461d4c21a392e372d0d6ca4ceb1e4d88098d587659454eaf4d93c661880f" }, "name": "MORPH.EXE" } The first line displays the DXL topic that the event was received on. In this particular case it is, ``"/mcafee/event/tie/file/firstinstance"``, which indicates that this is a file first instance event. The following information is included in the `first instance` ``dict`` (dictionary): * System the first instance of the file was found on * File information (file name and associated hashes) Details ******* The majority of the sample code is shown below: .. code-block:: python class MyFirstInstanceCallback(FirstInstanceCallback): """ My first instance callback """ def on_first_instance(self, first_instance_dict, original_event): # Display the DXL topic that the event was received on print("First instance on topic: " + original_event.destination_topic) # Dump the dictionary print(MessageUtils.dict_to_json(first_instance_dict, True)) # Create the client with DxlClient(config) as client: # Connect to the fabric client.connect() # Create the McAfee Threat Intelligence Exchange (TIE) client tie_client = TieClient(client) # Create first instance callback first_instance_callback = MyFirstInstanceCallback() # Register first instance callback with the client tie_client.add_file_first_instance_callback(first_instance_callback) # Wait forever print("Waiting for first instance events...") while True: time.sleep(60) A derived class from :class:`dxltieclient.callbacks.FirstInstanceCallback` is defined which overrides the :func:`dxltieclient.callbacks.FirstInstanceCallback.on_first_instance` method to handle first instance events. When a new file is encountered within the local enterprise this method will display the topic that the event was received on and dump the first instance details. Once a connection is established to the DXL fabric, a :class:`dxltieclient.client.TieClient` instance is created. An instance of the derived callback is constructed and registered with the :func:`dxltieclient.client.TieClient.add_file_first_instance_callback` method to receive file first instance events.