Basic Send EPS Mitigation Action by MAC Address Example ======================================================= .. include:: This sample sends a Cisco Endpoint Protection Service (EPS) mitigation action for an endpoint via DXL and Cisco pxGrid. The sample identifies the endpoint by its MAC address. Prerequisites ************* * The samples configuration step has been completed (see :doc:`sampleconfig`). * The DXL fabric to which the client will connect has been bridged to Cisco pxGrid. * The Python client has been authorized to perform ``DXL Cisco pxGrid Queries`` (see :doc:`pxgridauth`). Configuration ************* Update the following line in the sample: .. code-block:: python HOST_MAC = "" To specify the IP address of an endpoint for which to send the mitigation action. For example: .. code-block:: python HOST_MAC = "00:11:22:33:44:55" Running ******* To run this sample execute the ``sample/basic/`` script as follows: .. parsed-literal:: python sample/basic/ If the action can be sent successfully, the output should appear similar to the following: .. code-block:: json { "gid": "150", "macInterface": "00:11:22:33:44:55", "mitigationStatus": "complete" } The received results are displayed. Details ******* The majority of the sample code is shown below: .. code-block:: python # MAC address of the endpoint for which to send the mitigation action HOST_MAC = "" # Create the client with DxlClient(config) as dxl_client: # Connect to the fabric dxl_client.connect()"Connected to DXL fabric.") # Create client wrapper client = CiscoPxGridClient(dxl_client) # Invoke 'send mitigation action by MAC' method on service resp_dict = client.eps.send_mitigation_action_by_mac( HOST_MAC, EpsAction.QUARANTINE) # Print out the response (convert dictionary to JSON for pretty # printing) print("Response:\n{0}".format( MessageUtils.dict_to_json(resp_dict, pretty_print=True))) Once a connection is established to the DXL fabric, a :class:`dxlciscopxgridclient.client.CiscoPxGridClient` instance is created which will be used to communicate with Cisco pxGrid. Next, the :meth:`dxlciscopxgridclient.client.EpsClientCategory.send_mitigation_action_by_mac` method is invoked with the MAC address of the endpoint and a mitigation action, :const:`dxlciscopxgridclient.constants.EpsAction.QUARANTINE`. The final step is to display the contents of the returned dictionary (``dict``) which contains the results of the attempt to send the mitigation action.