Basic Host Lookup Example ========================= This sample invokes and displays the results of a MaxMind "host lookup" via DXL. For more information see: Prerequisites ************* * The samples configuration step has been completed (see :doc:`sampleconfig`) * The MaxMind DXL service is running (see :doc:`running`) Running ******* To run this sample execute the ``sample/basic/`` script as follows: .. parsed-literal:: python sample/basic/ The output should appear similar to the following: .. code-block:: python { "city": { "geoname_id": 5375480, "names": { "de": "Mountain View", "en": "Mountain View", "fr": "Mountain View", "ja": "\u30de\u30a6\u30f3\u30c6\u30f3\u30d3\u30e5\u30fc", "ru": "\u041c\u0430\u0443\u043d\u0442\u0438\u043d-\u0412\u044c\u044e", "zh-CN": "\u8292\u5ef7\u7ef4\u5c24" } }, "continent": { "code": "NA", "geoname_id": 6255149, "names": { "de": "Nordamerika", "en": "North America", "es": "Norteam\u00e9rica", "fr": "Am\u00e9rique du Nord", "ja": "\u5317\u30a2\u30e1\u30ea\u30ab", "pt-BR": "Am\u00e9rica do Norte", "ru": "\u0421\u0435\u0432\u0435\u0440\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0410\u043c\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043a\u0430", "zh-CN": "\u5317\u7f8e\u6d32" } }, "country": { "geoname_id": 6252001, "iso_code": "US", "names": { "de": "USA", "en": "United States", "es": "Estados Unidos", "fr": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "ja": "\u30a2\u30e1\u30ea\u30ab\u5408\u8846\u56fd", "pt-BR": "Estados Unidos", "ru": "\u0421\u0428\u0410", "zh-CN": "\u7f8e\u56fd" } }, "location": { "accuracy_radius": 1000, "latitude": 37.386, "longitude": -122.0838, "metro_code": 807, "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles" }, "postal": { "code": "94035" }, "registered_country": { "geoname_id": 6252001, "iso_code": "US", "names": { "de": "USA", "en": "United States", "es": "Estados Unidos", "fr": "\u00c9tats-Unis", "ja": "\u30a2\u30e1\u30ea\u30ab\u5408\u8846\u56fd", "pt-BR": "Estados Unidos", "ru": "\u0421\u0428\u0410", "zh-CN": "\u7f8e\u56fd" } }, "subdivisions": [ { "geoname_id": 5332921, "iso_code": "CA", "names": { "de": "Kalifornien", "en": "California", "es": "California", "fr": "Californie", "ja": "\u30ab\u30ea\u30d5\u30a9\u30eb\u30cb\u30a2\u5dde", "pt-BR": "Calif\u00f3rnia", "ru": "\u041a\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0444\u043e\u0440\u043d\u0438\u044f", "zh-CN": "\u52a0\u5229\u798f\u5c3c\u4e9a\u5dde" } } ] } The geolocation information for the host with localized names is in the response. Details ******* The majority of the sample code is shown below: .. code-block:: python # Create the client with DxlClient(config) as client: # Connect to the fabric client.connect()"Connected to DXL fabric.") # Create and send request request_topic = "/opendxl-maxmind/service/geolocation/host_lookup" req = Request(request_topic) MessageUtils.dict_to_json_payload(req, {"ip":""}) res = client.sync_request(req, timeout=30) if res.message_type != Message.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR: # Display results res_dict = MessageUtils.json_payload_to_dict(res) print(MessageUtils.dict_to_json(res_dict, pretty_print=True)) else: print("Error invoking service with topic '{0}': {1} ({2})".format( request_topic, res.error_message, res.error_code)) After connecting to the DXL fabric, a `request message` is created with a topic that targets the "host lookup" method of the MaxMind DXL service. The next step is to set the `payload` of the request message. The contents of the payload include the `IP address` to look up (in this case,, a google DNS IP). The final step is to perform a `synchronous request` via the DXL fabric. If the `response message` is not an error its contents are displayed.