Tutorial: Basic Search Example

Basic Search Example

This sample executes a McAfee Active Response search for the IP addresses of hosts that have an Active Response client installed.


  • The samples configuration step has been completed (see Samples).
  • A McAfee Active Response (MAR) Service is available on the DXL fabric.
  • The JavaScript client has been authorized to perform MAR searches (see Authorize Client To Perform MAR Search in the OpenDXL Python SDK Documentation).


To run this sample execute the sample/basic/basic-search-example.js script as follows:

$ node sample/basic/basic-search-example.js

The output should appear similar to the following:



The majority of the sample code is shown below:

// Create the client
var client = new dxl.Client(config)

// Connect to the fabric, supplying a callback function which is invoked
// when the connection has been established
client.connect(function () {
  // Create the McAfee Active Response (MAR) client
  var marClient = new MarClient(client)

  // Specify that MAR should include 'HostInfo|ip_address' in the search
  // results
  var hostInfoProjection = {}
  hostInfoProjection[ProjectionConstants.NAME] = 'HostInfo'
  hostInfoProjection[ProjectionConstants.OUTPUTS] = ['ip_address']

  // Perform the search
  marClient.search([hostInfoProjection], null, processSearchResult)

  // Process the search result
  function processSearchResult (searchError, resultContext) {
    if (resultContext && resultContext.hasResults) {
      // Get up to the first 10 items from the search result
      resultContext.getResults(processResultSet, {limit: 10})
    } else {
      // Destroy the client - frees up resources so that the application
      // stops running
      if (searchError) {

  // Process the set of result items retrieved from the search
  function processResultSet (resultError, searchResult) {
    // Destroy the client - frees up resources so that the application
    // stops running
    if (resultError) {
    } else {
      // Loop and display the results
      var items = searchResult.items
      if (items) {
        items.forEach(function (item) {
          console.log('    ' + item.output['HostInfo|ip_address'])

Once a connection is established to the DXL fabric, the callback function supplied to the DXL client instance's connect() method will be invoked. From within the callback function, a MarClient instance is created. The MarClient instance will be used to perform searches.

Next, a search to collect the IP addresses for monitored systems is performed by invoking the search() method of the MarClient instance.

On successful execution of the search, the resultContext parameter provided to the processSearchResult function contains the result of the search attempt, a ResultsContext instance. The first 10 results are retrieved by invoking the getResults() method of the ResultsContext object.

On successful receipt of the search results, the searchResult parameter provided to the processResultSet function contains the search results. The results are iterated and printed to the screen.