
The Elasticsearch DXL Python Service application requires a set of configuration files to operate.

This distribution contains a config sub-directory that includes the configuration files that must be populated prior to running the application.

Each of these files are documented throughout the remainder of this page.

Application configuration directory:

    logging.config (optional)

DXL Client Configuration File (dxlclient.config)

The required dxlclient.config file is used to configure the DXL client that will connect to the DXL fabric.

The steps to populate this configuration file are the same as those documented in the OpenDXL Python SDK, see the OpenDXL Python SDK Samples Configuration page for more information.

The following is an example of a populated DXL client configuration file:



Elasticsearch DXL Python Service (dxlelasticsearchservice.config)

The required dxlelasticsearchservice.config file is used to configure the application.

The following is an example of a populated application configuration file:





The [General] section is used to specify the list of Elasticsearch servers, Elasticsearch methods which should be available to invoke via DXL, and information for DXL event notifications which should be stored to Elasticsearch.

Name Required Description
serviceUniqueId no

An optional unique identifier used to identify the opendxl-elasticsearch service on the DXL fabric. If set, this unique identifier will be appended to the name of each request topic added to the fabric. For example, if the serviceUniqueId is set to sample, the request topic names would start with the following:


If serviceUniqueId is not set, request topic names would not include an id segment, for example:


serverNames yes

The list of Elasticsearch servers to expose to the DXL fabric, delimited by commas.

For example: es1,es2,es3

For each name specified, a corresponding section must be defined within this configuration file that provides detailed information about the server (see "Server Section" below).

eventGroupNames no

The list of event groups for which any DXL events received are indexed to Elasticsearch, delimited by commas.

For example: eventgroup1,eventgroup2,eventgroup3

For each name specified, a corresponding section must be defined within this configuration file that provides detailed information about the event group (see "Event Group Section" below).

apiNames no

The list of Elasticsearch APIs for which corresponding request topics should be exposed to the DXL fabric.

For example: index,get,update,delete

With this example and the serviceUniqueId setting set to sample, the request topics exposed to the DXL fabric would be:





The total list of available API method names and parameters is at:

For each name specified, a corresponding section must be defined within this configuration file that provides detailed information about the event group.

reloadTransformScriptsOnChange no

Controls whether or not changes made to event group transform scripts while the service is running can be reloaded dynamically. Setting this to yes can be helpful to reduce service restarts while developing a transform script.

Defaults to no, load transform scripts only at service startup time.

Server Section (1 per Elasticsearch server)

Each server specified in the serverNames property of the [General] section must have a section defined which contains details about the particular Elasticsearch server.

The section name must match the name of the server in the serverNames property (for example: [es1]).

Name Required Description
host yes The Elasticsearch server hostname or IP address.
port no The Elasticsearch server HTTP API port. Defaults to 9200.
urlPrefix no

The URL prefix under which the Elasticsearch server's HTTP API is hosted. For example, if this were set to api, requests that the OpenDXL Elasticsearch service makes to the Elasticsearch server would start with the following:


Defaults to no prefix, making requests to the root path.

user no The name of the user used when making requests to the Elasticsearch server. Defaults to no user name. Required if password is specified.
password no The password associated with the user used when making requests to the Elasticsearch server. Defaults to no password. Required if user is specified.
useSSL no Whether or not to use SSL/TLS for requests made to the Elasticsearch server. If set to yes, SSL/TLS is used. Defaults to no.
verifyCertificate no Whether to verify that Elasticsearch server's certificate was signed by a valid certificate authority when SSL/TLS is being used. Defaults to yes.
verifyCertBundle no A path to a CA Bundle file containing certificates of trusted CAs. The CA Bundle is used to ensure that the Elasticsearch server being connected to was signed by a valid authority. Only applicable if verifyCertificate is yes.
verifyHostName no Controls how the name in the Elasticsearch server's certificate is validated if SSL/TLS is being used. If set to yes or not specified, the name must match the value in the host setting. If set to no, the hostname is not validated. If set to a different value, the hostname must match the value in the setting. For example, if the value is set to myserver, the name in the Elasticsearch server certificate must be myserver in order for the connection to be allowed.
clientCertificate no A path to a client certificate supplied to the Elasticsearch server for TLS/SSL connections. Defaults to not using a client certificate.
clientKey no A path to a client private key used for TLS/SSL connections made to the Elasticsearch server. Defaults to not using a client private key.

Event Group Section (1 per event group)

Each event group specified in the eventGroupNames property of the [General] section must have a section defined which contains details about the particular event group.

The section name must match the name of the event group in the eventGroupNames property (for example: [eventgroup1]).

Name Required Description
topics yes

The list of topics to subscribe to the DXL fabric for event notifications, delimited by commas.

For example: es1,es2,es3

For each event notification received, corresponding documents with the event payload are indexed to Elasticsearch.

documentIndex yes Index to use in storing the event document to Elasticsearch. See the ElasticSearch Index API Documentation for additional details.
documentType yes Type of the document to store to Elasticsearch. See the ElasticSearch Type API Documentation for additional details.
idFieldName no

Name of the field in the event payload whose corresponding value should be used as the ID of the document stored to Elasticsearch. See the Elasticsearch Id API Documentation for additional details. Defaults to using an unique ID that Elasticsearch automatically generates.

For example, an event payload may have the following content:

{ "myid": "12345",
  "mytext": "hello world" }

If idFieldName is set to myid, the value 12345 would be extracted from the payload and used as the document ID. If idFieldName is set but the value cannot be found in the event payload, the document will not be stored.

NOTE: The idFieldName can currently only refer to a key which exists at the top-level of the event payload. In order to map the ID from a field which appears in a nested structure in the event payload, a "transformScript" would need to be used.

transformScript no Path to a Python script which will receive the event payload and optionally transform it into documents to be stored into Elasticsearch. The transform script must define an on_event function which accepts two parameters: the dxlclient.message.Event object received for the event callback and a dictionary containing a default set of parameters for a corresponding document to be stored to Elasticsearch.

Logging File (logging.config)

The optional logging.config file is used to configure how the application writes log messages.