Basic Delete Example ==================== This sample deletes a document from an Elasticsearch server via the Elasticsearch ``Delete`` API and displays the results of the delete request. For more information on the Elasticsearch ``Delete`` API, see the `Elasticsearch Python Delete API `__ and `Elasticsearch REST Delete API `__ documentation. Prerequisites ************* * The samples configuration step has been completed (see :doc:`sampleconfig`). * The Elasticsearch API DXL service is running, using the ``sample`` configuration (see :doc:`running`). * Run through the steps in the :doc:`basicindexexample` to store a document to Elasticsearch. This example will delete the stored document. Running ******* To run this sample execute the ``sample/basic/`` script as follows: .. code-block:: shell python sample/basic/ If the document was previously stored via running the :doc:`basicindexexample`, the output should appear similar to the following: .. code-block:: shell Response to the delete request: { "_id": "12345", "_index": "opendxl-elasticsearch-service-examples", "_shards": { "failed": 0, "successful": 2, "total": 2 }, "_type": "basic-example-doc", "_version": 2, "found": true, "result": "deleted" } If the document to be deleted does not exist at the time the sample is run, the output should appear similar to the following: .. code-block:: shell Error invoking service with topic '/opendxl-elasticsearch/service/elasticsearch-api/delete': TransportError(404, u'{"found":false,"_index":"opendxl-elasticsearch-service-examples","_type":"basic-example-doc","_id":"12345","_version":3,"result":"not_found","_shards":{"total":2,"successful":2,"failed":0}}') (0) Error payload: { "class": "NotFoundError", "data": { "error": "{\"found\":false,\"_index\":\"opendxl-elasticsearch-service-examples\",\"_type\":\"basic-example-doc\",\"_id\":\"123 45\",\"_version\":3,\"result\":\"not_found\",\"_shards\":{\"total\":2,\"successful\":2,\"failed\":0}}", "info": { "_id": "12345", "_index": "opendxl-elasticsearch-service-examples", "_shards": { "failed": 0, "successful": 2, "total": 2 }, "_type": "basic-example-doc", "_version": 3, "found": false, "result": "not_found" }, "status_code": 404 }, "module": "elasticsearch.exceptions" } Details ******* In order to enable the use of the ``delete`` API, the API name is listed in the ``apiNames`` setting under the ``[General]`` section in the ``sample`` "dxlelasticsearchservice.config" file that the service uses: .. code-block:: ini [General] apiNames=...,delete For more information on the configuration, see the :ref:`Service Configuration File ` section. The majority of the sample code is shown below: .. code-block:: python # Create the client with DxlClient(config) as client: # Connect to the fabric client.connect()"Connected to DXL fabric.") # Create the delete request request_topic = "/opendxl-elasticsearch/service/elasticsearch-api/delete" req = Request(request_topic) # Set the payload for the delete request MessageUtils.dict_to_json_payload(req, { "index": DOCUMENT_INDEX, "doc_type": DOCUMENT_TYPE, "id": DOCUMENT_ID}) # Send the delete request res = client.sync_request(req, timeout=30) if res.message_type != Message.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR: # Display results for the delete request res_dict = MessageUtils.json_payload_to_dict(res) print("Response to the delete request:\n{}".format( MessageUtils.dict_to_json(res_dict, pretty_print=True))) else: print("Error invoking service with topic '{}': {} ({})".format( request_topic, res.error_message, res.error_code)) if res.payload: # Display the payload in the error response res_dict = MessageUtils.json_payload_to_dict(res) print("Error payload:\n{}".format( MessageUtils.dict_to_json(res_dict, pretty_print=True))) After connecting to the DXL fabric, a request message is created with a topic that targets the "delete" method of the Elasticsearch API DXL service. The next step is to set the ``payload`` of the request message. The contents of the payload include the ``index``, type (``doc_type``), and ``id`` of the document to delete. From the `Elasticsearch Python Delete API `_ documentation: `"Delete a typed JSON document from a specific index based on its id."` The next step is to perform a synchronous request via the DXL fabric. If the response message is not an error, its contents are displayed.