Basic Whois History Example

This sample invokes and displays the results of a DomainTools "Whois History" via DXL.

For more information see:



To run this sample execute the sample/basic/ script as follows:

python sample/basic/

The output should appear similar to the following:

    "response": {
        "history": [
                "date": "2001-10-26",
                "is_private": 0,
                "whois": {
                    "name_servers": [
                    "record": "Registrant:\nVRW2\n    7770 Regents Road #113/194\n    San Diego, CA 92122\n",
                    "registrant": "VRW2",
                    "registration": {
                        "created": "1998-08-02",
                        "expires": "2002-08-02",
                        "registrar": "NETWORK SOLUTIONS, INC.",
                        "statuses": [
                "date": "2003-08-25",
                "is_private": 0,
                "whois": {
                    "name_servers": [
                    "record": "Registrant:\n\n Taman Harapan 884\n Jakarta, XX 11040\n ID\n",
                    "registrant": "",
                    "registration": {
                        "created": "1998-08-02",
                        "expires": "2004-08-01",
                        "registrar": "TUCOWS, INC.",
                        "statuses": [
        "record_count": 2

The received results are displayed.


The majority of the sample code is shown below:

# Create the client
with DxlClient(config) as dxl_client:

    # Connect to the fabric
    dxl_client.connect()"Connected to DXL fabric.")

    # Create client wrapper
    client = DomainToolsApiClient(dxl_client)

    # Invoke 'whois_history' method on service
    resp_dict = client.whois_history("")

    # Print out the response (convert dictionary to JSON for pretty printing)
        MessageUtils.dict_to_json(resp_dict, pretty_print=True)))

Once a connection is established to the DXL fabric, a dxldomaintoolsclient.client.DomainToolsApiClient instance is created which will be used to invoke remote commands on the DomainTools API DXL service.

Next, the dxldomaintoolsclient.client.DomainToolsApiClient.whois_history() method is invoked with a domain name.

The final step is to display the contents of the returned dictionary (dict) which contains the results of the whois query.

From the DomainTools Whois History Documentation:

"The Whois History API provides a list of historic Whois records for a domain name."