CLI (Command Line Interface)

The OpenDXL Databus client can be invoked from command line interface (CLI) for testing or checking purposes. Executing the CLI like a standard Java library with no arguments displays help information:

$ java -jar dxldatabusclient-2.4.5.jar

ERROR: There are not options
Option (* = required)                  Description
---------------------                  -----------
* --brokers <String: broker list>      Comma-separated broker list:  Example:
--cg <String: cg>                      The consumer group name.
--config [String: config]              The producer/consumer configuration
                                         list: Example:,batch.
--consume-records <Integer: consume-   Number of expected records to finish
  records>                               the command line.  (default: 1)
--consume-timeout <Integer: consume-   Max time the command line waits for
  timeout>                               finishing a consumer operation.
                                         Optional parameter, if absent, it
                                         defaults to 15000 ms. (default: 15000)
--from-topic <String: from-topic>      Comma-separated topic name list to
                                         consume. Example: topic1,topic2,...,
--headers [String: headers]            The producer headers:  (default: )
--msg <String: message>                message to be produced
--operation <String: operation>        Operations: produce | consume
--partition [String: partition]        The partition number:  (default: )
--sharding-key [String: sharding-key]  Sharding key (default: )
--tenant-group [String: tenant-group]  Tenant Group (default: )
--to-topic <String: to-topic>          Topic name to produce

Note: <String: FIELD> are mandatory placeholders which you should respectively replace with the correct field name. [String: FIELD] are optional placeholders which you should respectively replace with the correct field name.

Supported Operations

In order to get records from the Databus client, the user has to invoke a few CLI operations. Operations arguments are placed after --operation option. For instance:

$ java -jar dxldatabusclient-2.4.5.jar --operation <OPERATION_ARGUMENT> ...

Operation Arguments

Operation Arguments Description
--produce produce a message to a Kafka topic.
--consume consume a message from a Kafka topic.

The invocation of CLI operations to get records is: produce -> consume .

A message must be produced to a topic prior to consuming it.


An operation which produces a message to a specific broker with an associated topic. Optional arguments can be added to attach partition, sharding key, tenant group and headers.

Mandatory Arguments for produce Description
--operation The operation name. In this case, the operation name is produce
--to-topic The topic name for the message.
--msg The message payload.
--brokers The brokers list comma separated. Host and ports.
Optional Arguments for produce Description Default value
--partition The partition number, valid numbers for partition are >= 0. Blank, which assigns any kafka valid partition created.
--sharding-key The key associated to the message. Blank with empty string
--tenant-group The associated tenant group. Blank with empty string
--headers The associated producer headers. Blank with empty string
--config The producer configuration. For example:,batch.size=1 00000,compression.type=lz4 Blank with empty string


$ java -jar dxldatabusclient-2.4.5.jar \
--operation produce \
--to-topic <TOPIC_NAME> \
--brokers <>:<PORT> \
--msg <MESSAGE> \
--tenant-group <TENANT-GROUP> \
--sharding-key <KEY> \
--partition <PARTITION-NUMBER> \
        "[brokers]":[<>:<PORT> ],


An operation which receives messages from specified topics at specified brokers.

Mandatory Arguments for consume Description
--operation The operation name. In this case, the operation name is consume
--brokers The brokers list comma separated. Host and ports.
--from-topic A comma separated string list with the topic names to consume from.
Optional Arguments for consume Description Default value
--tenant-group The associated tenant group. Blank with empty string
--cg The consumer group to be a member of. Blank with empty string
--config The consumer configuration in comma separated property-value pairs. For example:,,, auto.offset.reset=earliest, Blank with empty string
--consume-records Number of expected records to finish command line. CLI polls for new records until one of the following occurs: timeout has elapsed or number of records received were greater than this value. 1 record
--consume-timeout Maximum time the command line waits for finishing a consume operation. CLI polls for new records until one of the following occurs: timeout has elapsed or number of received records were greater than consume-records value. 15000 milliseconds


java -jar dxldatabusclient-2.4.5.jar \
--operation consume \
--from-topic <TOPIC_1,TOPIC_2,...,TOPIC_N> \
--consume-timeout <CONSUME-TIMEOUT-TO-FINISH-CLI> \
--tenant-group <TENANT-GROUP-NAME> \

The response example illustrates that two records are returned.

  "code": "OK",
  "result": [
      "shardingKey": "",
      "payload": "Hello Databus 002",
      "composedTopic": <TOPIC_2>-<TENANT_GROUP-NAME>,
      "topic": <TOPIC_2>,
      "tenantGroup": <TENANT-GROUP-NAME>,
      "headers": {},
      "offset": 0,
      "partition": 0,
      "timestamp": 1568303331900
      "shardingKey": "",
      "payload": "Hello Databus 001",
      "composedTopic": <TOPIC_1>-<TENANT-GROUP-NAME>,
      "topic": <TOPIC_1>,
      "tenantGroup": <TENANT-GROUP-NAME>,
      "headers": {},
      "offset": 0,
      "partition": 0,
      "timestamp": 1568303355250
  "options": {
    "[to-topic]": [],
    "[brokers]": [
    "[msg]": [],
    "[consume-timeout]": [
    "[headers]": [
    "[cg]": [],
    "[sharding-key]": [
    "[from-topic]": [
    "[tenant-group]": [
    "[partition]": [
    "[consume-records]": [
    "[operation]": [
    "[config]": [