Basic Service Sample ===================== This sample demonstrates how to register a DXL service to receive :class:`dxlclient.message.Request` messages and send :class:`dxlclient.message.Response` messages back to an invoking :class:`dxlclient.client.DxlClient`. Prior to running this sample make sure you have completed the samples configuration step (:doc:`sampleconfig`). To run this sample execute the ``sample\basic\`` script as follows: .. parsed-literal:: c:\\dxlclient-python-sdk-\ |version|\>python sample\\basic\\ The output should appear similar to the following: .. code-block:: python Service received request payload: ping Client received response payload: pong The code for the sample is broken into two main sections. The first section is responsible for creating a :class:`dxlclient.callbacks.RequestCallback` that will be invoked for a specific topic associated with the service. The callback will send back a :class:`dxlclient.message.Response` message with a payload of ``pong`` for any :class:`dxlclient.message.Request` messages that are received. It then creates a :class:`dxlclient.service.ServiceRegistrationInfo` instance and registers the request callback with it via the :func:`dxlclient.service.ServiceRegistrationInfo.add_topic` method. Finally it registers the service with the fabric via the :func:`dxlclient.client.DxlClient.register_service_sync` method of the :class:`dxlclient.client.DxlClient`. .. code-block:: python # # Register the service # # Create incoming request callback class MyRequestCallback(RequestCallback): def on_request(self, request): # Extract information from request print("Service received request payload: " + request.payload.decode()) # Create the response message res = Response(request) # Populate the response payload res.payload = "pong".encode() # Send the response client.send_response(res) # Create service registration object info = ServiceRegistrationInfo(client, "myService") # Add a topic for the service to respond to info.add_topic(SERVICE_TOPIC, MyRequestCallback()) # Register the service with the fabric (wait up to 10 seconds for registration to complete) client.register_service_sync(info, 10) The second section sends a :class:`dxlclient.message.Request` message to the service that contains a payload of ``ping`` via the :func:`dxlclient.client.DxlClient.sync_request` method of the :class:`dxlclient.client.DxlClient`. The payloads of the :class:`dxlclient.message.Request` and :class:`dxlclient.message.Response` messages are printed. .. code-block:: python # # Invoke the service (send a request) # # Create the request message req = Request(SERVICE_TOPIC) # Populate the request payload req.payload = "ping".encode() # Send the request and wait for a response (synchronous) res = client.sync_request(req) # Extract information from the response (if an error did not occur) if res.message_type != Message.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR: print("Client received response payload: " + res.payload.decode())